Friday, May 7, 2010

Who shot that gun?

In the last year, my life has changed from someone who heard a gun shot to someone who wants to know who shot that gun shot and why they are shooting . Here in new york, if shot is not close we just keep on moving. I am changed because my sister was shot in a playground. She was watching my nephew while his mother wss at work. The gunman began shooting and my sister rushed my nephew off to safty when in her hast a bullet found her back and she fell, but my nephew was safe. When I hear a gun shot, I want to know why is it so close


  1. hey kevin. May God rest her soul in eternal peace. And keep fighting for your cause. We support you and keep up the good work. she's watching down on you from heaven and she is mighty proud of you.

  2. I feel for you even though it has been years since I moved out of Watts. I will never forget the night they had a knife fight in our projects front yard and one of the guys hid in our back porch when the cops came. My mom was scared shitless.

  3. Hi Kevin,
    I'm sorry for your loss. It is very heartfelt of you to create this blog in honor of your sister. She is definitely worthy to be commemorated. May her memory live on, through you. God Bless You And Family
